The aim is to shed light on obstacles to and facilitators of collaboration in child and youth mental health in order to inform individuals, communities, and organizations that are trying to change policy and practice.
The protocol was developed with community partners and agents from the regional health board of Nunavik. Interviews were conducted with 64 people, inuit and non-inuit, working with and for children and youth of Nunavik.
Participants were very generous with their time and reflections. They allowed us to document different subjects. For each subject we co-create short pedagogical tools that will be delivered by the Nunavik Board of Health and Social Services. We also make the data available for community members developing their local and regional mobilisation for children and youth.
Themes include: cultural adaptation, working with interpreters, building on empowerment, models of collaboration, youth and family participation in services, identified needs, interprofessional and organisational challenges.
Fraser, S., Rouillard, R., Nadeau, L., D’Ostie Racine, L., & Mickpegak, R. (2016). Collaborating to improve child and youth mental health in Nunavik. études/inuit/studies, 40(1), 23-41.